Monday, January 11, 2010

Baked Tomato Basil Salmon

Tuesday or Thursday nights are when we can get most of our cooking done and take lots of pictures for our recipes. Those nights, our men work until 9pm. Maria's husband and Lisa's fiancee have very similar work schedules which is great! Even though we don't live in the same house anymore, we still find time to cook\bake together and have fun with eachother.
We love listening to music when we cook and just being silly. It's just us two together, no men, and just like old times. =) We are thinking of taking our posts to another level and posting mini videos of us cooking different things and taking people through the steps of certain recipes.
Is that something you guys would like to see??
Well ,to get on with this recipe, this salmon is so easy so make. We have baked salmon this way a few times and we always love it. Not only is it so simple and fast to make, the flavors go so well together and not to mention it's very easy to clean up! We like meals like this because when we can make something fast for dinner that leaves us time to do other things!....
We still have time to make something sweet! (Stay tuned to our next recipe!! It is soooo yummy!)
First you have to make the tomato basil mixture. (Recipe is at the bottom of this post.)
Lay a piece of salmon in the middle of a sheet of parchment paper.
Salt and pepper the salmon and place a tablespoon of butter on top of it.
Place half of the tomato basil mixture on top.
Now we are going to start wrapping the salmon in the parchment paper.
Pull up the long sides of the paper and meet them together in the middle.
Start rolling and folding the paper downwards until you reach the bottom.
Now tuck each side end underneath.
This is what you should end up with.
Place both pieces in a baking pan and bake at 375 degrees for 25 minutes.
2 vine riped tomatoes, chopped
1 large shallot, chopped
Handful of basil, chopped
2 Tbsp EVOO
Juice of one lemon
Salt and Pepper
2 Salmon fillets
2 Tbsp Butter
To make the tomato basil mixture, mix the tomatoes, shallot, basil, EVOO, lemon and salt and pepper in a bowl.


B & D said...

i just love salmon...and ur recipe is perfect... :)it looks super delish...

Sook said...

Ooh fantastic! Thanks for this recipe. I never know what to do with salmon so this will be a great one to try.

Anonymous said...

it turned out pretty good!
but i have to say the butter might be a too much because it just kind of stays in place because of the parchment paper so i just leaving out the butter because the oil is enough :)

Healthy Diaries said...

Anonymous! Thanks for trying our recipe!

We didn't have a problem with the butters! Ours spread out pretty well!

Either way, with or without this salmon is good im sure!!

Thanks again!